A Tale of an Early Riser

 An early riser who is Oddly Maiden herself leaps the bed before the sun wakes. She has some morning errands to run like praying, reading holy scripture, and morning exercise not the heavy but a few. Also, she has some classes to attend sometimes. 

So, what's the catch here? 

The catch is, it doesn't happen now. Something is changed. The maiden finds excuses to be in bed now till 10AM. The girl who used to wake up at 6:30AM now finds it difficult to wake even after 10AM. A sadness is overcast to her happy soul.  

Not only the changes in sleeping hours, but weariness, unproductivity, irritation in behavior, and the body ache too in complaining box. 

It is happening for a quite while, but it is ignored as the pain is less. Suddenly, one fine day, the typing task becomes impossible due to the wrist pain and many reports at work are due. 

 Everything seems to collapse in the body. Immediately, an appointment with Doctor is taken. 

This maiden walks into the hospital with a pounding heart, trembling body, and hitting the nerve of the brain.

What disease I caught up with? Anything extremely bad happening to me? Will I undergo any operations? - All these questions race in mind.

Then, there is a sudden pause in my mind the moment the doc pronounced her name differently. In mind, she corrected. 

The Doc enquires about the work she does to find the reason for the wrist pain. The conversation is over and he suggests some tests to her.

The tests are done, and after two days, the reason for all the above-mentioned health issues targetted one point - Severe Deficiency of Vitamin D - At very high risk of bone disease.

The world shatters at that moment. There is no revert of doc. on the report shared on WhatsApp and answered no call. Everything starts to fade away. Dizziness and weariness are about to clamp the maiden down.

But, wait! it is the moment to fight back against the creak of bones in the body, the weariness, the negativity of losing the soul. To deal with this, she musters her courage and masters her thought by feeding, "I am all fine, happy, and will recover soon."

The very next day, at the doctor's clinic. She is there with a broad smile covered in her mask and a very positive mindset that she will be fine. 

"Like I mentioned earlier, it is related to Vitamin D", Doc said. So, we discovered the reason. What's next now?

"I just need to take care of a proper diet and some supplements that you would provide", She mentioned with a hysterical smile. 

"That's it! You are so intelligent", Doc smiled. What made you so intelligent? I took 15 - 16 years to study this and you took barely 2 mins. to answer this. 

She laughs again and answers, 'Google'.

Here, I am writing some supplements and nano shots you need to take. See you after a month, Doc bid bye. 

Thank you, she bid bye too. 


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